Références: Matebeleland South, Zimbabwe - Riz - 2021

Les profils de pertes post-récolte (profils PHL) quantifient les pertes attendues – en pourcentage – pour chaque étape de la chaîne de valeur post-récolte. Ces données de pertes sont tirées de la littérature scientifique et ventilées par culture, type d'exploitation et type de climat (d'après la classification climatique de Köppen-Geiger). Ces profils fournissent des chiffres de pertes en pourcent pour les différentes cultures au long de la chaîne de valeur dans des conditions variables et sont mis à jour à mesure que de nouvelles recherches sont disponibles.

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La méthode APHLIS d'estimation des pertes

Hodges, R., Bernard, M., Rembold, F. (2014). APHLIS – Postharvest cereal losses in Sub-Saharan Africa, their estimation, assessment and reduction. European Commission, JRC Technical reports, 160 pp.

Pertes par étape de la chaîne de valeur

Moisson/séchage sur le champ

  • Calverley D.J.B. (1996): A study of loss assessment in eleven projects in Asia concerned with rice. Rome, FAO ( (PFL/INS/001).
  • De Lima C.P.F. (1982): Strengthening the food conservation and crop storage section (Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives, Swaziland). (Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives, Swaziland). Field documents and final technical report. Project PFL/SWA/002. Rome, FAO.
  • Huq F., Greeley M. (1980): Rice in Bangladesh: An empirical analysis of farm level food losses in five post-harvest operations. In: Grain quality improvement - Proceedings of the 3rd annual workshop on grains post-harvest technology. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 29-31 January 1980. 245-262. - also see - Greeley M. (1982) Pinpointing post-harvest losses. Ceres 15 (1), 30-37.
  • Repoblika Malagasy (1987): Enquete sur les pertes de paddy apres recolte. Ministere de la production agricole et de la reforme agraire. Pp 17 + tables
  • Smit C. (1985): Post-harvest losses of some staples crops at farm level in Africa. Report on the regional workshop on national programming and intercountry co-operation prevention of food losses Volume II. UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, African Regional Centre for Technology, Dakar Senegal 6-10 May 1985. pp. 124-137.
  • Singano C. (2008): Singano C. (pers comm.) Principal Agricultural Research Scientist, Department of Agricultural Research Services, Malawi. Ppers comm. Principal Agricultural Research Scientist, Department of Agricultural Research Services, Malawi.
  • Appiah F., Guisse R., Dartey P.K.A. (2011): Post harvest losses of rice from harvesting to milling in Ghana. Journal of Stored Products and Postharvest Research 2(4), pp. 64-71.
  • Ofusu T., Manful JT, Boxall R. (1998): Improving the competitiveness and marketability of locally-produced rice in Ghana. 3. An assessment of rice post-harvest systems. Department for International Development (DFID), Crop Postharvest Programme, Project R6688. pp 37

Séchage ultérieur

Battage et égrenage

  • Calverley D.J.B. (1996): A study of loss assessment in eleven projects in Asia concerned with rice. Rome, FAO ( (PFL/INS/001).
  • Huq F., Greeley M. (1980): Rice in Bangladesh: An empirical analysis of farm level food losses in five post-harvest operations. In: Grain quality improvement - Proceedings of the 3rd annual workshop on grains post-harvest technology. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 29-31 January 1980. 245-262. - also see - Greeley M. (1982) Pinpointing post-harvest losses. Ceres 15 (1), 30-37.
  • Kidane, Y., Habteyes Y. (1989): Food grain losses in tradional storage facilities in three areas of Ethiopia. In: Proceedings of 'Towards a food and nutrition strategy for Ethiopia'. Alemaya University of Agriculture, 8-12 December 1986, Alemaya, Ethiopia.
  • Repoblika Malagasy (1987): Enquete sur les pertes de paddy apres recolte. Ministere de la production agricole et de la reforme agraire. Pp 17 + tables
  • Smit C. (1985): Post-harvest losses of some staples crops at farm level in Africa. Report on the regional workshop on national programming and intercountry co-operation prevention of food losses Volume II. UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, African Regional Centre for Technology, Dakar Senegal 6-10 May 1985. pp. 124-137.
  • Singano C. (2008): Singano C. (pers comm.) Principal Agricultural Research Scientist, Department of Agricultural Research Services, Malawi. Ppers comm. Principal Agricultural Research Scientist, Department of Agricultural Research Services, Malawi.
  • Appiah F., Guisse R., Dartey P.K.A. (2011): Post harvest losses of rice from harvesting to milling in Ghana. Journal of Stored Products and Postharvest Research 2(4), pp. 64-71.


  • Repoblika Malagasy (1987): Enquete sur les pertes de paddy apres recolte. Ministere de la production agricole et de la reforme agraire. Pp 17 + tables

Transport du champ

  • Huq F., Greeley M. (1980): Rice in Bangladesh: An empirical analysis of farm level food losses in five post-harvest operations. In: Grain quality improvement - Proceedings of the 3rd annual workshop on grains post-harvest technology. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 29-31 January 1980. 245-262. - also see - Greeley M. (1982) Pinpointing post-harvest losses. Ceres 15 (1), 30-37.
  • Kidane, Y., Habteyes Y. (1989): Food grain losses in tradional storage facilities in three areas of Ethiopia. In: Proceedings of 'Towards a food and nutrition strategy for Ethiopia'. Alemaya University of Agriculture, 8-12 December 1986, Alemaya, Ethiopia.
  • Repoblika Malagasy (1987): Enquete sur les pertes de paddy apres recolte. Ministere de la production agricole et de la reforme agraire. Pp 17 + tables
  • Singano C. (2008): Singano C. (pers comm.) Principal Agricultural Research Scientist, Department of Agricultural Research Services, Malawi. Ppers comm. Principal Agricultural Research Scientist, Department of Agricultural Research Services, Malawi.

Stockage au ménage

  • Singano C. (2008): Singano C. (pers comm.) Principal Agricultural Research Scientist, Department of Agricultural Research Services, Malawi. Ppers comm. Principal Agricultural Research Scientist, Department of Agricultural Research Services, Malawi.

Transport au marché

  • Odogola W.R., Henriksson R. (1991): Post harvest management and storage of maize. UNDP/OPS Regional Programme, Harare December 1991. (very useful background on post-harvest handling)

Stockage au marché

  • Boxall RA (1998): Grains post-harvest loss assessment in Ethiopia. Final report NRI Report No 2377. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. pp 44.
  • Egyir I.S., Sarpong D.B., Obeng-Ofori D. (2011): M&E System for post harvest losses (Pilot Study) Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate, Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Ghana. Final Report. Pp. 106

Pertes nutritionnelles

  • FAO, (2010). Fats and fatty acids in human nutrition. Report of an expert consultation. FAO, Food and Nutrition Paper, 91. FAO/WHO, (2007).
  • Joint FAO/WHO scientific update on carbohydrates in human nutrition. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Supplement: 09 Nov 2007.
  • Governments of Australia and New Zealand, (2019). Nutrient Reference Values for Australia and New Zealand.
  • Institute of Medicine (IoM), (2005). Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. 1358 pp. Institute of Medicine (IoM), (2011).
  • Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium and Vitamin D. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. 1132 pp.
  • Nutrition for Developing Countries, (2015). Appendix 1. Tables of energy requirements and recommended intakes of nutrients. Kind, F.S., Burgess, A., Quinn, V.J., Osei, A.K. (Eds). pp 322-326. 3rd edition. Oxford University Press.
  • USAID (undated). STATcompiler: The DHS Program, Demographic and Health Surveys.
  • UNESDA (United Nations Department of Economics and Social Affairs), (2017). World Population Prospects: The 2017 Revision.

Impact nutritionnel

Les calculs d'impact nutritionnel s'appuient sur les mêmes études que les pertes nutritionnelles ci-dessus.

Impact financier

Données contextuelles

Voir comment APHLIS utilise des données contextuelles pour estimer les pertes.

Liste des études supplémentaires utilisées pour ces données.

Gand capucin (LGB, Prostephanus truncatus)
  • Boxall, R.A., 2002. Damage and loss caused by the Larger Grain Borer Prostephanus truncatus. Integrated Pest Management Reviews, 7: 105-121.
  • Dick, K., 1989. A review of insect infestation of maize in farm storage in Africa with special reference to the ecology and control of Prostephanus truncatus. Overseas Development Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK: Bulletin 18, pp. 42.
  • Dunstan, W.R. & Magazini, I. 1980. Outbreaks and new records. Tanzania. The larger grain borer on stored products. FAO Plant Protection Bulletin. 29:80–81.
  • Golob, P., 2002. Chemical, physical and cultural control of Prostephanus truncatus. Integrated Pest Management Reviews, 7: 245-277.
  • Hodges, R.J., Dunstan, W.R., Magazini, I., Golob, P. 1983. An outbreak of Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) in East Nang’ayo, F.L.O., Hill, M.G., Chandi, E.A., Nzeve, N.V. and Obiero, J. The natural environment as a reservoir for the larger grain borer Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) in Kenya. African Crop Science Journal, 1(1): 39–47.
  • Muatinte, B.M., Boukouvala, M., Garcia-Lara, S., Lopez-Castillo, L.M., 2019. The threat of the larger grain borer, Prostephanus truncatus (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) and practical control options for the pest. CAB Reviews Perspectives in Agriculture Veterinary Science Nutrition and Natural Resources, 14(041): 1-25.
  • Makundi, R.H., Swila, N.N., Misangu, R.N., Reuben, S.W.M., Mwatawala, M., Sikira, A., Kilonzo, B.S., Lyimo, H., et al. 2010. Dynamics of infestation and losses of stored maize due to the larger grain borer (Prostephanus truncatus Horn) and maize weevils (Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky). Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 43(14):1346–1355. DOI: 10.1080/03235400802425804.
  • Mlambo, S., Mvumi, B.M., Stathers, T., Mubayiwa, M. & Nyabako, T. 2017. Field efficacy of hermetic and other maize grain storage options under smallholder farmer management. Crop Protection, 98: 198–210. DOI: 10.1016/j.cropro.2017.04.001.
  • Mlambo, S., Mvumi, B.M., Stathers, T., Mubayiwa, M. & Nyabako, T. 2018. Field efficacy and persistence of synthetic pesticidal dusts on stored maize grain under contrasting agro-climatic conditions. Journal of Stored Products Research, 76: 129-139. DOI: 10.1016/j.jspr.2018.01.009.

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