Nutritional impact: Cameroon - Millet - 2002

Quantity lost postharvest Total population, Cameroon Male, 9-13 years, Cameroon
Number of people's
annual nutritional requirements lost
% of population
nutritional requirements lost
Number of people
in focal group’s annual nutrient requirements lost
% of focal group population’s
annual nutritional requirements lost
Energy 184,011,048,252 kcal 219,711 0.890 220,630 13.9
Carbohydrate 32,758,011 kg 250,325 1.0 251,373 15.8
Protein 4,448,619 kg 374,392 1.5 445,468 28.0
Fat 2,932,044 kg 114,361 0.463 115,054 7.2
Fibre, total dietary 4,549,724 kg 390,052 1.6 389,653 24.5
Calcium, Ca 7,077 kg 23,339 0.095 17,627 1.1
Iron, Fe 3,842 kg 1,130,736 4.6 1,189,378 74.8
Zinc, Zn 1,431 kg 417,883 1.7 399,954 25.1
Folate, total 15.2 kg 155,472 0.630 166,200 10.4
Vitamin A (RAE) 0 kg 0 0 0 0
Vitamin C 0 kg 0 0 0 0

Reference data

Total population - Cameroon 24,678,233
Total population - Cameroon;
Male, 9-13 years

2018 population estimates; United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2017). World Population Prospects: The 2017 Revision, DVD Edition.

Millet: production - Cameroon, 2002 541,975,000 kg
Millet: losses - Cameroon, 2002 50,552,486 kg

Data version 2.19.3