Nutritional impact: Cameroon - Millet - 2000

Quantity lost postharvest Total population, Cameroon Male, 9-13 years, Cameroon
Number of people's
annual nutritional requirements lost
% of population
nutritional requirements lost
Number of people
in focal group’s annual nutrient requirements lost
% of focal group population’s
annual nutritional requirements lost
Energy 101,191,085,679 kcal 120,823 0.490 121,329 7.6
Carbohydrate 18,014,237 kg 137,659 0.558 138,235 8.7
Protein 2,446,378 kg 205,885 0.834 244,971 15.4
Fat 1,612,385 kg 62,889 0.255 63,270 4.0
Fibre, total dietary 2,501,977 kg 214,497 0.869 214,277 13.5
Calcium, Ca 3,892 kg 12,835 0.052 9,694 0.609
Iron, Fe 2,113 kg 621,813 2.5 654,061 41.1
Zinc, Zn 786.7 kg 229,801 0.931 219,942 13.8
Folate, total 8.3 kg 85,497 0.346 91,396 5.7
Vitamin A (RAE) 0 kg 0 0 0 0
Vitamin C 0 kg 0 0 0 0

Reference data

Total population - Cameroon 24,678,233
Total population - Cameroon;
Male, 9-13 years

2018 population estimates; United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2017). World Population Prospects: The 2017 Revision, DVD Edition.

Millet: production - Cameroon, 2000 299,121,000 kg
Millet: losses - Cameroon, 2000 27,799,749 kg

Data version 2.19.3