Africa: Estimated PHL in APHLIS cereal crops

Annual average postharvest losses in tonnes by crop across all countries in Africa during the last 5 years (2017-2021).

Maize 9,723,077 Maize: 9,723,077 tonnes
Go to maize ›
Sorghum 2,971,462 Sorghum: 2,971,462 tonnes
Go to sorghum ›
Rice 2,764,308 Rice: 2,764,308 tonnes
Go to rice ›
Millet 1,399,498 Millet: 1,399,498 tonnes
Go to millet ›
Wheat 817,227 Wheat: 817,227 tonnes
Go to wheat ›
Teff 519,397 Teff: 519,397 tonnes
Go to teff ›
Barley 212,646 Barley: 212,646 tonnes
Go to barley ›
Fonio 62,863 Fonio: 62,863 tonnes
Go to fonio ›
Oats 1,407 Oats: 1,407 tonnes
Go to oats ›

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Country overview

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Country and year

Select a country and a year and compare postharvest losses for all the crops; for example all crops in Malawi in 2021.


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