Value chain: Central African Republic - Millet - 2003

All value chain steps

All steps Harvesting/field drying Further drying Threshing and Shelling Winnowing Transport from field Household-level storage Transport to market Market storage
Central African Republic total - - - - - - - -
Bamingui-Bangoran   -  
Basse-Kotto   -  
Gribingui   -  
Haut-Mbomou   -  
Haute-Kotto   -  
Kémo-Gribingui   -  
Lobaye   -  
Mambéré-Kadéï   -  
Mbomou   -  
Nana-Mambéré   -  
Ombella-Mpoko   -  
Ouaka   -  
Ouham   -  
Ouham-Pendé   -  
Sangha   -  
Vakaga   -  

Data version 2.19.3