Nutritional losses: Democratic Republic of the Congo - Rice - 2000

Equivalent number of people’s annual dietary requirements (number of national weighted average people)
Democratic Republic of the Congo total Bandundu Équateur Kasaï Occidental Kasaï Oriental Katanga Kinshasa Rural Kongo Central Maniema Nord-Kivu Orientale Sud-Kivu
Energy   206,244 14,567 13,553 9,378 24,426 7,426 2,829 11,321 28,353 7,456 70,219 16,716  
Carbohydrate   294,225 20,781 19,335 13,379 34,846 10,594 4,036 16,150 40,448 10,637 100,174 23,847  
Protein   265,694 18,766 17,460 12,081 31,467 9,566 3,644 14,584 36,526 9,605 90,460 21,534  
Fat   9,406 664.4 618.1 427.7 1,114 338.7 129.0 516.3 1,293 340.1 3,203 762.4  
Fibre, total dietary   33,124 2,340 2,177 1,506 3,923 1,193 454.3 1,818 4,554 1,197 11,278 2,685  
Calcium, Ca   12,536 885.5 823.8 570.0 1,485 451.4 172.0 688.1 1,723 453.2 4,268 1,016  
Iron, Fe   84,427 5,963 5,548 3,839 9,999 3,040 1,158 4,634 11,606 3,052 28,744 6,843  
Zinc, Zn   155,115 10,956 10,194 7,053 18,371 5,585 2,128 8,514 21,324 5,608 52,812 12,572  
Folate, total   29,634 2,093 1,947 1,347 3,510 1,067 406.5 1,627 4,074 1,071 10,089 2,402  
Vitamin A (RAE)   - - - - - - - - - - - -  
Vitamin C   - - - - - - - - - - - -  

Data version 2.19.3