Nutritional losses: Burkina Faso - Millet - 2013

Equivalent number of people’s annual dietary requirements (number of national weighted average people)
Burkina Faso total Boucle du Mouhoun Cascades Centre Centre-Est Centre-Nord Centre-Ouest Centre-Sud Est Hauts-Bassins Nord Plateau-Central Sahel Sud-Ouest
Energy   499,071 163,811 5,241 7,178 30,677 24,598 50,079 20,509 25,953 26,843 44,203 21,466 64,577 13,935  
Carbohydrate   568,612 186,637 5,971 8,178 34,952 28,026 57,057 23,366 29,570 30,583 50,362 24,457 73,575 15,877  
Protein   854,723 280,548 8,976 12,293 52,539 42,127 85,767 35,124 44,449 45,972 75,703 36,764 110,596 23,866  
Fat   259,725 85,250 2,727 3,736 15,965 12,801 26,062 10,673 13,507 13,969 23,004 11,171 33,607 7,252  
Fibre, total dietary   886,431 290,955 9,309 12,749 54,488 43,690 88,949 36,427 46,098 47,677 78,512 38,127 114,699 24,752  
Calcium, Ca   52,389 17,196 550.1 753.5 3,220 2,582 5,257 2,153 2,724 2,818 4,640 2,253 6,779 1,463  
Iron, Fe   2,555,207 838,701 26,833 36,750 157,065 125,941 256,402 105,003 132,880 137,433 226,316 109,905 330,629 71,349  
Zinc, Zn   950,259 311,906 9,979 13,667 58,411 46,836 95,354 39,050 49,417 51,110 84,165 40,873 122,958 26,534  
Folate, total   352,984 115,861 3,707 5,077 21,697 17,398 35,420 14,505 18,356 18,985 31,264 15,183 45,674 9,856  
Vitamin A (RAE)   - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
Vitamin C   - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  

Data version 2.19.3