Nutritional losses: Burkina Faso - Millet - 2012

Equivalent number of people’s annual dietary requirements (number of national weighted average people)
Burkina Faso total Boucle du Mouhoun Cascades Centre Centre-Est Centre-Nord Centre-Ouest Centre-Sud Est Hauts-Bassins Nord Plateau-Central Sahel Sud-Ouest
Energy   488,456 153,257 5,628 8,372 28,198 25,949 40,050 20,856 28,016 23,608 41,619 17,872 75,671 19,361  
Carbohydrate   556,518 174,612 6,412 9,539 32,127 29,565 45,631 23,762 31,920 26,898 47,418 20,362 86,215 22,059  
Protein   836,544 262,473 9,638 14,339 48,292 44,441 68,591 35,718 47,981 40,432 71,278 30,607 129,596 33,158  
Fat   254,201 79,758 2,929 4,357 14,674 13,504 20,843 10,854 14,580 12,286 21,659 9,301 39,380 10,076  
Fibre, total dietary   867,577 272,210 9,995 14,871 50,083 46,090 71,135 37,043 49,761 41,932 73,922 31,743 134,404 34,388  
Calcium, Ca   51,275 16,088 590.7 878.9 2,960 2,724 4,204 2,189 2,941 2,478 4,369 1,876 7,943 2,032  
Iron, Fe   2,500,860 784,665 28,813 42,866 144,369 132,858 205,053 106,780 143,440 120,872 213,085 91,501 387,430 99,128  
Zinc, Zn   930,048 291,810 10,715 15,941 53,690 49,409 76,258 39,710 53,344 44,951 79,245 34,029 144,082 36,865  
Folate, total   345,476 108,396 3,980 5,922 19,944 18,353 28,327 14,751 19,815 16,698 29,436 12,640 53,521 13,694  
Vitamin A (RAE)   - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
Vitamin C   - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  

Data version 2.19.3