Nutritional losses: Burkina Faso - Millet - 2002

Equivalent number of people’s annual dietary requirements (number of national weighted average people)
Burkina Faso total Boucle du Mouhoun Cascades Centre Centre-Est Centre-Nord Centre-Ouest Centre-Sud Est Hauts-Bassins Nord Plateau-Central Sahel Sud-Ouest
Energy   472,470 99,487 7,557 13,509 42,624 33,039 47,953 31,669 57,875 22,827 29,201 30,194 35,126 21,410  
Carbohydrate   538,305 113,349 8,610 15,391 48,564 37,643 54,634 36,082 65,939 26,008 33,269 34,401 40,020 24,393  
Protein   809,166 170,384 12,942 23,135 72,999 56,583 82,125 54,238 99,119 39,095 50,010 51,711 60,158 36,668  
Fat   245,881 51,774 3,933 7,030 22,182 17,194 24,955 16,481 30,119 11,880 15,196 15,713 18,280 11,142  
Fibre, total dietary   839,183 176,704 13,422 23,993 75,708 58,682 85,172 56,250 102,795 40,545 51,865 53,629 62,389 38,028  
Calcium, Ca   49,597 10,443 793.3 1,418 4,474 3,468 5,034 3,324 6,075 2,396 3,065 3,170 3,687 2,247  
Iron, Fe   2,419,012 509,364 38,690 69,163 218,233 169,157 245,514 162,145 296,316 116,874 149,505 154,591 179,842 109,618  
Zinc, Zn   899,609 189,428 14,388 25,721 81,159 62,908 91,304 60,300 110,197 43,464 55,600 57,491 66,882 40,766  
Folate, total   334,169 70,365 5,345 9,554 30,147 23,368 33,916 22,399 40,934 16,145 20,653 21,356 24,844 15,143  
Vitamin A (RAE)   - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
Vitamin C   - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  

Data version 2.19.3