Nutritional losses: Burkina Faso - Maize - 2007

Equivalent number of people’s annual dietary requirements (number of national weighted average people)
Burkina Faso total Boucle du Mouhoun Cascades Centre Centre-Est Centre-Nord Centre-Ouest Centre-Sud Est Hauts-Bassins Nord Plateau-Central Sahel Sud-Ouest
Energy   389,611 57,522 59,335 2,063 18,571 4,073 18,802 11,090 24,594 156,902 5,142 4,984 2,192 24,341  
Carbohydrate   456,548 67,404 69,529 2,418 21,762 4,773 22,032 12,995 28,819 183,859 6,025 5,841 2,569 28,523  
Protein   727,571 107,417 110,803 3,853 34,680 7,606 35,111 20,710 45,928 293,004 9,602 9,308 4,094 45,455  
Fat   149,491 22,071 22,766 791.7 7,126 1,563 7,214 4,255 9,437 60,202 1,973 1,912 841.2 9,339  
Fibre, total dietary   777,891 114,847 118,466 4,120 37,079 8,132 37,539 22,142 49,104 313,269 10,266 9,952 4,377 48,598  
Calcium, Ca   57,891 8,547 8,816 306.6 2,759 605.2 2,794 1,648 3,654 23,314 764.0 740.6 325.7 3,617  
Iron, Fe   848,631 125,290 129,239 4,494 40,451 8,871 40,953 24,156 53,570 341,757 11,200 10,857 4,775 53,018  
Zinc, Zn   423,772 62,565 64,537 2,244 20,199 4,430 20,450 12,063 26,750 170,659 5,593 5,421 2,385 26,475  
Folate, total   249,087 36,775 37,934 1,319 11,873 2,604 12,020 7,090 15,724 100,311 3,287 3,187 1,402 15,562  
Vitamin A (RAE)   - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
Vitamin C   - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  

Data version 2.19.3