Nutritional losses: Burkina Faso - Maize - 2006

Equivalent number of people’s annual dietary requirements (number of national weighted average people)
Burkina Faso total Boucle du Mouhoun Cascades Centre Centre-Est Centre-Nord Centre-Ouest Centre-Sud Est Hauts-Bassins Nord Plateau-Central Sahel Sud-Ouest
Energy   633,675 120,786 76,575 3,575 27,754 5,695 31,963 13,715 20,190 284,524 3,458 5,770 831.2 38,842  
Carbohydrate   742,544 141,537 89,731 4,189 32,522 6,673 37,455 16,071 23,658 333,406 4,052 6,761 974.0 45,515  
Protein   1,183,344 225,559 142,999 6,676 51,828 10,634 59,689 25,611 37,703 531,328 6,457 10,774 1,552 72,534  
Fat   243,136 46,345 29,381 1,372 10,649 2,185 12,264 5,262 7,747 109,170 1,327 2,214 318.9 14,903  
Fibre, total dietary   1,265,186 241,159 152,889 7,137 55,413 11,370 63,817 27,382 40,311 568,075 6,903 11,520 1,660 77,551  
Calcium, Ca   94,155 17,947 11,378 531.2 4,124 846.1 4,749 2,038 3,000 42,276 513.7 857.3 123.5 5,771  
Iron, Fe   1,380,240 263,090 166,792 7,787 60,452 12,404 69,621 29,872 43,976 619,735 7,531 12,567 1,811 84,603  
Zinc, Zn   689,235 131,376 83,289 3,888 30,187 6,194 34,766 14,917 21,960 309,470 3,761 6,275 904.1 42,247  
Folate, total   405,123 77,221 48,956 2,285 17,744 3,641 20,435 8,768 12,908 181,902 2,210 3,689 531.4 24,832  
Vitamin A (RAE)   - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
Vitamin C   - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  

Data version 2.19.3