Nutritional losses: Angola - Maize - 2003

Equivalent number of people’s annual dietary requirements (number of national weighted average people)
Angola total Bengo Benguela Bié Cabinda Cuando Cubango Cuanza-Norte Cuanza-Sul Cunene Huambo Huíla Luanda Lunda-Norte Lunda-Sul Malange Moxico Namibe Uíge Zaire
Energy   443,858 3,453 15,858 43,990 3,962 10,652 5,228 37,921 1,045 89,476 182,897 1,569 5,762 3,395 22,000 5,056 2,411 7,146 2,039  
Carbohydrate   616,438 4,795 22,024 61,094 5,503 14,793 7,261 52,665 1,452 124,266 254,011 2,179 8,002 4,715 30,554 7,022 3,348 9,924 2,831  
Protein   836,984 6,510 29,903 82,951 7,471 20,086 9,859 71,507 1,971 168,725 344,889 2,959 10,865 6,402 41,485 9,535 4,546 13,474 3,844  
Fat   179,611 1,397 6,417 17,801 1,603 4,310 2,116 15,345 423.0 36,207 74,011 634.9 2,332 1,374 8,902 2,046 975.5 2,891 825.0  
Fibre, total dietary   974,479 7,580 34,815 96,578 8,699 23,385 11,479 83,254 2,295 196,443 401,546 3,445 12,650 7,453 48,300 11,101 5,293 15,688 4,476  
Calcium, Ca   34,635 269.4 1,237 3,433 309.2 831.2 408.0 2,959 81.6 6,982 14,272 122.4 449.6 264.9 1,717 394.6 188.1 557.6 159.1  
Iron, Fe   939,652 7,309 33,571 93,127 8,388 22,550 11,069 80,278 2,213 189,422 387,195 3,322 12,198 7,187 46,574 10,704 5,103 15,127 4,316  
Zinc, Zn   721,348 5,611 25,772 71,491 6,439 17,311 8,497 61,628 1,699 145,415 297,241 2,550 9,364 5,517 35,754 8,218 3,918 11,613 3,313  
Folate, total   362,350 2,819 12,946 35,912 3,234 8,696 4,268 30,957 853.3 73,045 149,311 1,281 4,704 2,771 17,960 4,128 1,968 5,833 1,664  
Vitamin A (RAE)   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
Vitamin C   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  

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