Nutritional impact: Democratic Republic of the Congo - Maize - 2014

Quantity lost postharvest Total population, Democratic Republic of the Congo Male, 9-13 years, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Number of people's
annual nutritional requirements lost
% of population
nutritional requirements lost
Number of people
in focal group’s annual nutrient requirements lost
% of focal group population’s
annual nutritional requirements lost
Energy 1,268,036,662,719 kcal 1,549,363 1.8 1,520,382 27.1
Carbohydrate 269,370,219 kg 2,106,449 2.5 2,067,048 36.9
Protein 28,373,196 kg 2,459,803 2.9 2,841,184 50.7
Fat 12,610,309 kg 503,148 0.599 494,831 8.8
Fibre, total dietary 25,570,905 kg 2,245,544 2.7 2,189,974 39.1
Calcium, Ca 21,017 kg 69,853 0.083 52,347 0.934
Iron, Fe 12,260 kg 3,658,842 4.4 3,795,379 67.7
Zinc, Zn 6,305 kg 1,885,737 2.2 1,762,694 31.4
Folate, total 87.6 kg 917,325 1.1 959,689 17.1
Vitamin A (RAE) - - - - -
Vitamin C - - - - -

Reference data

Total population - Democratic Republic of the Congo 84,004,986
Total population - Democratic Republic of the Congo;
Male, 9-13 years

2018 population estimates; United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2017). World Population Prospects: The 2017 Revision, DVD Edition.

Maize: production - Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2014 2,035,345,000 kg
Maize: losses - Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2014 350,286,371 kg

Data version 2.19.3