Nutritional impact: Burkina Faso - Millet - 2011

Quantity lost postharvest Total population, Burkina Faso Male, 9-13 years, Burkina Faso
Number of people's
annual nutritional requirements lost
% of population
nutritional requirements lost
Number of people
in focal group’s annual nutrient requirements lost
% of focal group population’s
annual nutritional requirements lost
Energy 319,675,927,387 kcal 386,982 2.0 383,293 28.4
Carbohydrate 56,909,341 kg 440,904 2.2 436,701 32.3
Protein 7,728,429 kg 662,756 3.4 773,895 57.3
Fat 5,093,737 kg 201,392 1.0 199,879 14.8
Fibre, total dietary 7,904,075 kg 687,343 3.5 676,930 50.1
Calcium, Ca 12,295 kg 40,623 0.206 30,623 2.3
Iron, Fe 6,675 kg 1,981,319 10.0 2,066,265 153.0
Zinc, Zn 2,485 kg 736,835 3.7 694,826 51.4
Folate, total 26.3 kg 273,705 1.4 288,733 21.4
Vitamin A (RAE) 0 kg 0 0 0 0
Vitamin C 0 kg 0 0 0 0

Reference data

Total population - Burkina Faso 19,751,657
Total population - Burkina Faso;
Male, 9-13 years

2018 population estimates; United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2017). World Population Prospects: The 2017 Revision, DVD Edition.

Millet: production - Burkina Faso, 2011 828,734,000 kg
Millet: losses - Burkina Faso, 2011 87,823,057 kg

Data version 2.19.3