Value chain: Côte d'Ivoire - Maize - 2022

All value chain steps

All steps Harvesting/field drying Further drying Threshing and Shelling Winnowing Transport from field Household-level storage Transport to market Market storage
Côte d'Ivoire total - - - - - - - -
Agnéby   -  
Bafing   -  
Bas-Sassandra   -  
Denguélé   -  
Dix-Huit Montagnes   -  
Fromager   -  
Haut-Sassandra   -  
Lacs   -  
Lagunes   -  
Marahoué   -  
Moyen-Cavally   -  
Moyen-Comoé   -  
N'Zi-Comoé   -  
Savanes   -  
Sud-Bandama   -  
Sud-Comoé   -  
Vallée Du Bandama   -  
Worodougou   -  
Zanzan   -  

Data version 2.19.3