Nutritional losses: Angola - Sorghum - 2009

Equivalent number of people’s annual dietary requirements (number of national weighted average people)
Angola total Bengo Benguela Bié Cabinda Cuando Cubango Cuanza-Norte Cuanza-Sul Cunene Huambo Huíla Luanda Lunda-Norte Lunda-Sul Malange Moxico Namibe Uíge Zaire
Energy   23,970 24.4 401.6 130.6 - 8,000 - - 12.2 668.2 13,185 - - - 29.8 149.4 1,368 - -  
Carbohydrate   28,707 29.3 480.9 156.4 - 9,581 - - 14.7 800.2 15,791 - - - 35.6 178.9 1,639 - -  
Protein   52,780 53.8 884.2 287.6 - 17,616 - - 27.0 1,471 29,033 - - - 65.5 328.9 3,013 - -  
Fat   7,077 7.2 118.6 38.6 - 2,362 - - 3.6 197.3 3,893 - - - 8.8 44.1 404.0 - -  
Fibre, total dietary   29,735 30.3 498.1 162.0 - 9,925 - - 15.2 828.9 16,357 - - - 36.9 185.3 1,697 - -  
Calcium, Ca   4,979 5.1 83.4 27.1 - 1,662 - - 2.5 138.8 2,739 - - - 6.2 31.0 284.2 - -  
Iron, Fe   70,756 72.1 1,185 385.6 - 23,616 - - 36.1 1,972 38,921 - - - 87.8 440.9 4,039 - -  
Zinc, Zn   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
Folate, total   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
Vitamin A (RAE)   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
Vitamin C   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  

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